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How to choose the material for the flashlight and what kind of flashlight is good

Edit£º   Browse£º Times  Date£º2018-4-26

With the development of flashlight technology, household flashlight has the characteristics of long service life, reliable durability and extremely low maintenance cost. The constant voltage drive ensures the consistency of the brightness of the flashlight flashlight, and ensures the reliability, life and light decay of the LED flashlight. The use of low cost, high reliability drive circuit is the key to ensure the lasting brightness of the flashlight, so we need to choose and buy a home flashlight to be extra careful.

How to choose a material for a flashlight
If you want to pick up a good flashlight, you should first select the material from the flashlight.

Barrel material
: the plastic material of the barrel is not durable, the stainless steel is strong and durable, but the stainless steel is easily oxidized after long term use, causing the problem that the hand power can not be used normally. Therefore, we recommend that you choose to buy titanium alloy or high strength carbon for barrel material flashlight.

Lens material
: the best choice is high strength optical glass or polycarbonate material, not only good permeability, but also shockproof and anti falling. Ordinary glass or plexiglass is not recommended for glass material, ordinary glass is fragile, and plexiglass is not wear resistant.

Reflective cup material: first of all, it must be metal material. Because the high temperature resistance of metal is better. In addition, in order to ensure that the reflective performance is more secure, it is necessary to observe the smoothness of the reflective cup, and do not buy scratches and spots on the surface.
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